Annals of the Lodge

June 5, 1840 – Article VI of the Bylaws was amended to read: “It shall be the duty of the secretary to notify defaulting officers and members who may be guilty of repeated negligence in attendance, to inform such delinquents, and for continued neglect, such members may be reprimanded or suspended from the privileges of the Lodge at the discretion of its members.” This mandatory attendance requirement prevailed for many years.

June 20, 1840 – The minutes show that Brother Isaac P. Pond was paid $94.25 for making the altar, officer pedestals, and officer chairs. A Lodge property inventory, dated December 1, 1848, showed the officer pedestals were valued at $150 (still in use at the time).

December 19, 1840 – “The Tiler was authorized to procure fire dogs, shovel and tongs”.

February 1, 1844 – The Lodge sponsored a new Lodge at Washington, Autauga County to be called “Hampden Sidney”. This Lodge became No. 67. It later moved to Robinson Springs and now is at Millbrook.

October 19, 1844 – $25 was ordered paid to Montgomery Band for services rendered at the funeral of Brother J. G. Shaw.

November 24, 1844 – Sponsored a Lodge at Tuskegee, Macon County. In became Tuskegee Lodge No. 57. Dispensation issued March 10, 1845; Charter granted December 12, 1846.

November 15, 1845 – The Lodge unanimously resolved to authorize our representative to the Grand Lodge, Edmund E. Hastings, to tender to the Grand Lodge the use of our Lodge Room for the Annual Communication, free of charge.

January 3, 1846 – $44 was ordered paid to representatives to Grand Lodge for expenses and stage fare for attending Grand Lodge at Tuscaloosa in December 1845.

July 4, 1846 – The Lodge was a large assemblance of visiting brethren, united in procession with the military, civic societies, state and city officials, etc., and proceeded to Capitol Hill, where the cornerstone of the State House was laid with the usual ceremonies. Brother Daniel Pratt, by invitation of the Lodge, acting as Master, and Nimrod E. Benson as Treasurer. The address was delivered by our Chaplain, Brother Henry Talbird.

July 18, 1846 – The “Middle Chamber Pillars” were presented to the Lodge and are still in use today. Brother E. H. Dickinson gratuitously furnished the lumber, Brother S. P. Sutton carved them, Brother John Powell turned them, and Borther Joseph Thoits Moore fluted, painted and bronzed them.

August 15, 1846 – $28.50 was ordered paid to Brother W. B. Harris, that he had advanced to pay musicians for music on July 4, 1846 at the laying of the corner stone for the new State Capitol.

January 2, 1847 – A resolution was passed, that “The amount received from the Grand Lodge as a distributive share of Grand Lodge funds coming to this Lodge be paid over to the Treasurer, and the same be set apart exclusively for the purpose of educating the orphans of Master Masons.” (Money held by the Grand Lodge was prorated among the Lodges.)

May 15, 1847 – $13 was ordered paid to Seth Roberson for candles.

1847 Bylaws – Date and time of communications. “On the First Saturday of each month at early candlelight and at 9 o’clock A.M. on the Festivals of St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist.”

September 8, 1847 – Brother John L. Munford, a charter member when reorganized in 1840, died of Yellow Fever at Tampico, Mexico during the war with Mexico. Later, his body was returned here. A Masonic funeral was held at Oakwood Cemetery on February 25, 1848.

February 5, 1848 – The Lodge paid rent for the Grand Lodge. An account in favor of J. J. Stewart for one-hundred dollars for rent of Assembly Room for the use of the Grand Lodge at its last Annual Communication was passed for payment. “An assessment of two dollars was levied on each member to pay the amount of said rent.”

December 1, 1848 – Some interesting items in a Lodge inventory bearing this date include:

2 Buckets and Water Stand - $1.50
3 Officer Stations at $50 each - $150
2 Mahogany Desks at $15 each - $30
2 F.C. Pillars with caps and globes - $70
5 Columns and Fire Dogs - $8
4 ½ dozen chairs - $54
2 Bibles - $6
6 Chandeliers - $40

February 18, 1852 – The following brethren withdrew from the Lodge to establish Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 173: Edward M. Hastings, John Sims, Samuel E. Norton, Samuel K. McMasters, Samuel Swan, Drewery Gardner, Benjamin S. Thiess, Thomas Harrison and Robert Bowden. On February 21st, the Lodge recommended that the petition be granted and that the use of the hall be tendered them for their organization and on March 25th, the continued use of the hall, free of charge.

December 18, 1852 – A large “Letter G” was cared by Brother Joseph Thoits Moore and presented to the Lodge. It is still in use today and as far as can be determined, has been used since that time. Dues for one year were remitted by the Lodge in appreciation. He was born in 1795, died October 17, 1854 and buried in Greenwood Cemetery. He was Senior Warden from 1850 to 1854.

February 15, 1854 – A committee was appointed to have gas lighting facilities placed in the Lodge room.

January 3, 1857 – Right Worshipful Amand P. Pfister, Grand Secretary, and Past Master of this Lodge was buried with Masonic honors. He was Grand Secretary 1839 – 1856.

June 6, 1859 – Brother Daniel Sayre, Grand Secretary, was elected Worshipful Master and held this office through the Civil War period and retired from office in June 1865.

May 15, 1865 – At a regular communication of the Lodge there were present twenty-four visitors from the Federal Army then occupying the city. There were two Army Lodges here which, by invitation, held their meeting in the hall while encamped at this place and their members were frequent visitors.

July 3, 1865 – The minutes of this dat3e show that a resolution was presented and adopted that, “The Confederate money now on hand being worthless, be placed in the Archives of the Lodge.” The amount was not mentioned, but we are $1,601 in the Archies of the Lodge today.

February 7, 1866 – A ball was given by the Lodge at the Montgomery Theatre for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans Fund. The net proceeds over expenses were $508.

May 28, 1869 – Brother Thomas McDougal was buried with Masonic honors. He was the first Master of this Lodge under Dispensation when it was re-organized in 1840 and was Grand Tiler from 1849 – 1867. Resolutions were adopted on June 21st. A monument was erected by the members the following year.

May 3, 1869 – A resolution as passed, “The use of tobacco in Montgomery Lodge No. 11 is positively prohibited.”

January 22, 1871 – Brother William P. Chilton, Worshipful Master 1867–1869 and Grand Master of Alabama from December 1869 until his death on January 20, 1871 was buried with Masonic Honors in Greenwood Cemetery. Chilton County, then Baker County, was named in his honor by Legislative Act on December 17, 1871. He was Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court from December 6, 1852 to January 2, 1856. A member of the Confederate Congress from November 18, 1861 to November 7, 1865.

May 20, 1872 – The Fiftieth Anniversary of the organization of Masonry in Montgomery was celebrated. The Lodge proceeded to the theatre, where an address was delivered by Brother Joseph W. Moses, Senior Warden. At night, a ball was given which was largely attended.

September 9, 1873 – This day was set apart to lay the cornerstone of the City Hall by invitation of the City Council, but the Yellow Fever epidemic stopped all work of the Lodge until the middle of November.

1874 Bylaws – Required that a regular communication be held on the 24th day of June each year for the installation of officers, unless that day fell on Sunday, and in that case, the installation would be held on the following Monday.

January 4, 1892 – The Secretary was authorized to pay W.S. Hagood $16 for the use of “Light Hacks” for the funeral of Brother Jacob Rosewald.

October 3, 1898 – Lodge removed to the new Grand Lodge Masonic Temple, S.W. corner of Washington Avenue and South Perry Street. The Lodge met there for about 66 years to June 1, 1964.

August 31, 1909 – At a joint communication of Montgomery Lodge No. 11 and Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 173, the sum of $1,848 was raised by members present for the Masonic Home.

September 3, 1909 – Montgomery Lodge No. 11 and Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 173 met with the Masonic Home Committee of the Grand Lodge and reported that $6,500 had already been raised and pledged $10,000 in cash, provided the home was located in Montgomery with on-half to be paid by October 1st and the rest by December 1, 1909. This offer was accepted by the Grand Lodge.

September 6, 1909 – On motion of Brother Louis Bloch, two dollars per member was donated to the Masonic Home (147 members at that time). The Masonic Home was located in Montgomery. The cornerstone was laid on December 6, 1911. This Lodge has been a staunch supporter of the Home since the very beginning. The minutes show many instances.

November 17, 1913 – $1,000 was donated to the Masonic Home. (Canceled check is located in the Archives of the Lodge)

July 22, 1914 – A special communications was held for the purpose of examining a Master and Wardens for a proposed new lodge to be known as Keystone No. 778. The following named brethren withdrew for the purpose of organizing the new lodge: Joseph Seeman, Tilford F. Leak, Gaston J. Griel, Alexander Rice, Sidney G. Weil, Emil J. Meyer, Jacob L. Wolf, Moses F. Kahn, Victor Loeb, William Houston Cooper, Samuel Wolf, Arthur M. Payne, Bernard C. Ehrenreich, Alvin Vicers, Leo J. Drum, John Haygood Patterson, Herman W. Simon, Mayer L. Greil, and Samuel Sulzbacker.

July 26, 1918 – Brother Julian M. Strassburger, Senior Warden, was killed in action in France during the “Battle of the Marne” in World War I. His remains were brought back to Montgomery on July 12, 1921 and re-interred with full military honor in Oakwood Cemetery on July 13, 1921. As far as can be determined, he was the only member of the Lodge to make the supreme sacrifice in that conflict. The records show that 62 members of the Lodge served in the armed forces in World War I.

August 19, 1918 – A communication from Meridian Lodge No. 610 F. & A.M., Cleveland, Ohio was received advising that at a state communication of the Lodge, it was unanimously resolved to present our Lodge with a token of their appreciation of the Masonic courtesies extended. This token of appreciation is a Silver Trowel, on which is engraved a most appropriate inscription. This Trowel is in the Archive of the Lodge.

October 14, 1918 – Records show that for the year ending ont his date, 551 degrees had been conferred. 405 were courtesy degrees and 146 were for this Lodge. This was during a period in World War I. An Army base, Camp Sheridan, was located in the Chisolm-Boylston area. The courtesy work was mostly for the state of Ohio and Michigan.

July 7, 1919 – A beautiful hand painted sign of Welcome, with Square and Compasses, was presented to the Lodge as a token of appreciation by Union Lodge No. 20 F. & A.M., Detroit, Michigan for courtesies received by them during World War I.

August 18, 1921 – The Lodge celebrated the One-hundredth Anniversary of the formation of organized Free Masonry in Montgomery. This was an all-day affair held at Pickett Springs. This was an area in the northern section of Chisolm, in what is known today as Boylston. Among other things on the program, Brother D. H. Hausman gave an oration. The Lodge began planning for this even in July 1915. A Centennial Souvenir Book and History of the Lodge was published in 1921. It was 8 ½ inches by 11 ½ inches and contained 96 pages.

August 6, 1945 – Father and son raised. Father, Brother Christopher C. Norris, Sr; son, Brother Louis C. Norris.

September 14, 1945 – Report to the Grand Lodge for the period ending on this date shows 82 Initiated, 78 Passed and 72 Raised (234 degrees).

December 17, 1945 – 14 Initiated.

January 31, 1946 – 12 Passed.

February 4, 1946 – 12 Passed, 3 Raised.

April 1, 1946 – 11 Initiated.

June 14, 1946 – 20 Examined of Fellow Craft Degree.

August 5, 1946 – 9 Passed.

August 9, 1946 – 10 Examined on the Entered Apprentice Degree.

September 14, 1946 – Report to the Grand Lodge for the period ending on this date shows 90 Initiated, 80 Passed, and 80 Raised. (250 degrees)

November 4, 1946 – 16 Examined on the Master Mason Degree.

November 27, 1946 – Joint Past Masters Night held. 191 Master Masons were present representing 6 Lodges.

February 3, 1947 – 8 Passed.

May 19, 1947 – 126th Anniversary celebrated. 231 Master Masons were present.

September 1, 1947 – 10 Initiated and 6 Passed.

September 14, 1947 – Report to the Grand Lodge for the period ending on this date shows 56 Initiated, 57 Passed, and 52 Raised. (165 degrees)

December 10, 1947 – Joint Past Masters Night held. 207 Master Masons were present representing 6 Lodges.

March 19, 1948 – 127th Anniversary celebrated. 260 Master Masons were present.

September 14, 1948 – Report to the Grand Lodge for the period ending on this date shows 45 Initiated, 48 Passed, and 44 Raised. (137 degrees)

October 16, 1948 – Brother M. G. Roehm, District Lecturer, examined the Lodge for Proficiency in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft degrees and reported a score of 98.2 percent.

April 11, 1953 – Two Masonic funerals were held on this date for Brothers John C. Temple and John R. Davis.

May 18, 1962 – Lot for Temple acquired. Lot Number 1, Plat G, Montgomery Heights Plat. See Plat Book 17, Page 128.

April 27, 1963 – Groundbreaking Ceremony held on this date at 2:00 P.M.

October 5, 1963 – The cornerstone for new Temple at 1273 Federal Drive, Montgomery, Alabama was laid on this date. Brother Penson R. Graham, Past Master of this Lodge, then Grand Master of Alabama presided.

June 15, 1964 – Lodge held the Annual Communication in the new Temple.

July 1, 1974 – Sponsored Capitol Lodge No. 923. Dispensation issued July 13, 1974. The first three officers were: Worshipful Master Arlis R. Fant, Past Grand Master and Superintendent of Masonic Home; Senior Warden Robert M. Savage, later Superintendent of Masonic Home and Grand Secretary; and Junior Warden Frank L. Roton. Charter was granted on November 19, 1974.

May 18, 1979 – This date was the one-hundred thirty-ninth birthday of the continuous operation of Montgomery Lodge No. 11. Its existence actually began on August 31, 1821, but due to circumstances beyond its control, it ceased operations in 1829 and a new Dispensation was granted on May 18, 1840.

October 5, 1992 – Lodge voted to accept 15 times the current dues for a Master Mason to become a perpetual member with a minimum of $350.

October 18, 1993 – Worshipful Master Ralph Foster was recognized by the Lodge for receiving the 1993 Human Relation Award at Auburn University.

February 7, 1994 – Montgomery Lodge No. 11 was awarded Attendance Award at the Montgomery Masonic Conference.

July 18, 1994 – The 1840 sheepskin charter was mounted in a shadow box and displayed in the Lodge Hall.

August 2, 1999 – A new Masonic Bible was presented to the Lodge and the old bible retired to the Archives of the Lodge.

September 18, 2004 – The first monthly breakfast was held with 22 meals served. A breakfast will be served monthly on Saturday mornings before the 3rd Monday meeting.

March 9, 2006 – Khur-Um Lodge No. 858 voted to present request to Montgomery Lodge No. 11 for consolidation of the two lodges.

April 17, 2006 – A special communication was held to entertain a request from Khur-Um Lodge No. 858 to consolidate with Montgomery Lodge No. 11. Standing vote was taken and vote was unanimous.

August 15, 2006 – Letters of Request from Montgomery Lodge No. 11 and Khur-Um Lodge No. 858 were presented to the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Alabama for consolidation of the Lodges.

November 2006 – At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Alabama, consolidation of Montgomery Lodge No. 11 and Khur-UM Lodge No. 858 was approved. The consolidated Lodge would be thereafter known as Montgomery Lodge No. 11.